13.03.2013 - 07h23 - The new day in the life of me...

This post is to show why it has taken me 13 days to do another post. Since having Ty come stay with us life has changed quite a bit... it's gotten a lot busier... I barely have time to eat never mind find my camera and charge batteries. But I have missed blogging so I grabbed my blackberry (which explains the terrible quality of the pics) and documented my morning...

The night before: Ty woke at 12h30 then 03h30 (a good night)

05h00 - 05h30:
Wake up. Shower. Desperately search through make-up basket to find something
that will hide bags, circles, stress pimples.

Make bed

Outfit for the day - whatever is clean

Start ironing school uniform and jeans... stop ironing because...

Tyren wakes up...

It's 05h30 which means it's time to wake Ethan up
(he will kill me if I show his face in this pic)

Sit down and give Ty his bottle
(try not to stress about how late this might make us)

Lily trying to rub up against me and Ty for some love
(some days I have Ty in my left arm, playing with Lily with my right hand
and have Mika rubbing against my foot)

Put Ty down and go back to ironing

Pack school lunch for Ethan

Wash and sterilise bottles from the night before

Check Ty has everything he needs in his nappy bag

Pack my breakfast and snacks

Find something to give Ethan for breakfast

Get meds ready for Ethan, Tyren and myself
(yes Ethan and I have matching nose sprays :)

Make Tyren some extra bottles to last the whole day. Leave the house at 06h30

07h00: Drop Ethan at school and Ty with his nanny

Sit in traffic for 20 minutes

Run up to the 2nd floor (trying to get SOME kind of exercise in)

Get to work. Make coffee and breakfast. Go to desk. Sit and smile because
I'm "home" and I can chat to the girls, sit down behind a computer and relax
(yes, I find designing two mags and their supplements more relaxing
then my mornings :)

Sooooo... if you see me and I have smudged mascara or drool hanging from the corner of my mouth or you message me and I take two days to reply or you ask me a question and I look at you with a dumb expression on my face... this is my excuse and I'm sticking with it :)


  1. Bloody hell. Go go gadget Mom!

  2. holy. I am tired now just reading this! Glad this is your sanctuary - it is mine too!

  3. Holy moly - what a hectic start to the day. Hat's off to you, Des.
