11.05.2011 - 07h00 - Provinces

Ethan has been doing so well with his tests... he just got 100% on both his Afrikaans tests (they were both only out of 10 but STILL - I am so proud).

Last night we were studying for his social science test which is today. He has to learn the 9 SA provinces and their capital cities. He knows them all but keeps getting stuck on the one... Mafinkeng...

So, last night when he couldn't remember it I shouted (not in an angry voice) MAFI - FUCKING - KING... which made him laugh hysterically for the next 5 minutes. There was genius behind my rudeness... this morning he remembered it! When I asked "What is the capital city of North West?" he said "Mafi-*eyebrow wiggle* (he doesn't swear - infront of me anyway) - keng".

I just hope he doesn't write it down like that in the test!!