I'm stuck with this Plecostomus

Ethan and I have a fish tank with only one fish in it. We have tried putting more fish in it but they all get eaten by this monster fish. It's called a Plecostomus (just looked it up - what would we do without google).

Anyway it feels like we have had this thing forever! As I've said before, I'm not much of a pet person and I'm getting a little tired of having to clean this things tank (not fun getting fishy poo water in your mouth!) so I decided to google the life expectancy of this fish. It appears I may be stuck with this thing for a very long time - it can live anywhere from 10 to 20 years!!!!!

PS. The only cool thing about this fish is the fright it gives my friends when they come over - he's a scary looking beast


  1. Better than being stuck with a husband. Those I hear can last for up to 50 years.

  2. Hahaha, don't let The Hoff see that!
